Disc Herniations

Suffering from sciatica at work

Disc herniations are an injury that affects the intervertebral discs in your back or neck. It is usually associated with significant pain and problems…

Managing Migraines

Migraines can be debilitating and last for hours or days. They often cause a throbbing or pulsing sensation on one side of the head…


Osteopaths can help with vertigo

Vertigo is a condition where it feels like you are moving, but you are not. It is similar to dizziness, but more accurately described…

Heel and Arch Pain

Heel pain can be an indication of biomechanical issues such as flat feet, tight ligaments, muscles or tendons. Treatment options may include: Arch pain…

Do I Need Orthotics?

Orthotics are arch supports placed in your shoes that help to realign your body, enabling it to function better. A good analogy would be the…

Living with Pain?

Pain is a major issue for Australians As part of National Pain Week each year, Chronic Pain Australia champions the needs of those living…

Osteopathy Awareness Week

It’s Osteopathy Awareness Week 14th – 19th April, 2019 Give an Osteo a go! Why Osteopathy Awareness? The Osteopathic profession is much smaller and…

Stiff back in the morning?

Back problems are super common: As an Osteopath, I work with people with all types of back issues each day, providing relief and advice…

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